Artificial Inteliigence Video Management Software



Video management software is a crucial part of the IP camera system. VMS can be run on your Windows operating system. It has the similar functionality as the network video recorder (NVR) with flexibility. It is responsible for locating, and attaching to all the IP cameras connected the network. It provides a secure connection between the cameras and records all the recorded videos from all the cameras.  

It can integrate with IP door Access Control systems. VMS software is needed to have high performance and storage to support multiple numbers of attached IP cameras. The performance increment depends on the number of cameras and the resolution of the cameras. The required amount of hard drive storage depends on the length of the recorded video.


Nowadays with advanced video analytics many solutions are incorporating it to further enhance their ability to detect events, objects and potential anomalies. Amalgamation of AI, analytics and VMS is extremely potential. But there is a tendency also for being misused this high potential technology. A video is being analyzed frame by frame in video processing, and for each frame, image processing is being done. There are many libraries being used for image processing such as OpenCV, Tensorflow. OpenCV it is an open-source computer vision and Machine Learning library being built primarily for Image Recognition and video processing tasks. Tensorflow is an open-source machine learning library used to detect high precision objects created by Google.

The solution can differ according to each cases but the scheme stays the same. There are two different methods for analyzing video content:

By configuring the device to trigger warnings for particular events and accidents those occur at the particular moment.

By post-processing method where the specialized searches are being used for forensic investigation activities.

AI-based Video Analytics is being used, from classic surveillance platforms to more complex situations such as smart homes or healthcare software. Generally it performs some form of program adaptation or parameterization that allows the customization to be efficient to some extent. With the video analytics approach, more optimized tools is required than the conventional one.

Importance of AI:

Now a day the camera surveillance has increased in an exponential way, there are too many cameras and huge size of video recording. It can analyze huge number of video data .It is designed to store and analyze the sensitive and important incidents to the user to make critical decisions accordingly. Search and focus are two areas where AI can have a significant impact on video surveillance today.

Advantages of AI-based Video Analytics:

When dealing with many cameras it’s challenging to monitor and maintain video surveillance systems. It is a big deal to track of all events in non technical way, and takes a lot of manpower to tackle it. But with video analytics where, comprehensive and complex algorithms to analyzes video streams it become way accurate and easy. Analyzing the camera images pixel by pixel, without losing any detail. According to the statistics of Artificial Intelligence Global Surveillance index, approximately 75 out of 176 countries globally are actively uses the AI-based surveillance technologies. 

  1. Key Tasks of Video Processing:

  • Object Detection:

It is basically a computerized vision to recognize objects in form of image or video. This recognition technique that counts items in a footage using this identification and localization method along with determining and registering their exact positions while correctly marking those.

  • Object Recognition:

Recognition of objects is a form of computer vision for recognizing objects in pictures or recordings. The main consequence of deep learning and machine learning algorithms is object recognition. We can quickly spot characters, things, scenes, and visual information while humans look at an image or watch a film.

  • Object Tracking

This method is used to track objects as they travel through a sequence of video frames in computer vision. It can also track creatures, cars, or other objects of significance, such as the ball.

  • Real-Time Video Analytics:

With AI based VA system an overwhelming amount of data is being captured and processed, which is tough to review manually post-incident, so it needs to be done in real time.

  • Triggering Real-Time Alerts:

The real-time warnings those are being activated when unusual alarming behavior is being observed and may need an attention.

Some cases include:

  • Appearance similarity alerting: 

Based on the resemblance of the appeared entity, video surveillance operators may customize a warning.

  • Count-based alerting:

Within a given period Alerts can be activated when a certain number of objects, such as vehicles, animals or people are observed the protected area.

  • Face recognition alerting:

Here the Artificial Intelligence services is being used for digital images extracted from film or externally imported by approval of facial recognition technology,to identify the intruders and issue warnings in real-time.

  1. Applications:
    • Healthcare
    • Smart cities / Transportation
    • Retail
    • Security
    • Vehicles checking booths
    • Text-Image-Video Analytics Solutions for enables the enterprises to assess detailed insights from Images, Videos and to increase business efficiency. 

Potential challenges:

  • An updated version of the AI prevents customers having a non-security system the same way when it is integrated into a new VMS platform.
  • User may miss some features that they liked in the earlier version of the system.
  • The constant updates that the manufacturers release to improve the performance and cyber security of their devices can give potential difficulty to the user, such as updating one technology may make it incompatible with others.
  • Data consumption and storage has become a challenge since the introduction of AI based video analytics, Due to the raise in the volume of data obtained.
  • The data obtained by CCTV monitoring systems are just as successful as your team can handle. If the human resources do not adequately handle the knowledge you have deployed to do so.
  • The security of the CCTV surveillance system is a major issue with the rise of the threat of hacking and internet breaches happening worldwide every day. It increases the problem for business organizations every day.

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