The technology of the Internet of Things, commonly known by its acronym IoT, has rapidly transformed the field of networking and communication. At Green IP Services Pvt. Ltd., we provide a wide range of innovative, robust and fully-automated IoT solutions for the defense and commercial sectors. Contact us to learn more and take your first step towards the advanced automation technologies with Green IP!

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) Technology?

In the simplest terms, IoT can be defined as a technology that allows physical objects to create a network to connect and exchange data among themselves. In today’s world, where the revolution in technology through automation is quickly changing the dynamics of a wide range of industries, IoT has played a decisive role especially in the advancement of defense and networking.

The concept of smart homes, with automatic lighting systems, audio voice command, self-regulating thermostats and much more, can be directly credited to the evolution of IoT technology.

IoT is often confused with WoT, which is the Web of Things. The key difference between the two lies in the source of collecting the information. IoT can function as an exclusive network of objects connected with each other, while in the case of WoT, the internet plays an important role in obtaining and interpreting information.

Uses of IoT in The Defense Sector

In the defense sector, IoT technology is quickly integrating into a wide range of utilities. Various defense forces around the world are making innovative use of automation technology powered by IoT.

These include the following:

  • Remotely operated vehicles for threat detection and automated assault systems.
  • Tracking and management of supply chain in the area around critical zones.
  • Automation of base camps to include effective and powerful communication in remote areas.
  • Collection of valuable information through data warfare.

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