Animal Fence is basically an electrical fencing meant to keep the animal in or out depending on scenario.
Wild animal pests attack to the crops has always been a struggle for the farmers. Wild animals such as elephants, wild boars, monkeys and birds like peacocks can are big threats to the crops and can cause heavy losses to farmers.
For forests sometimes the animals tends to come out of the forest border that can hamper the corps or creates problems in the locality situated near the forest.
For example:
1) To keep the farm animals inside the farm or gazing territory.
2) To keep the wild animals and vermin out from the farm or any other restricted area even over long distances.
Using fencing for animals:
When the animal touches the fence it completes the circuit between the Fence and the ground and it receives an electrical shock which is short, sharp but not lethal, but sufficient enough for the animals to keep away.
A fence charger places an electrical pulse from ground to the wire about one pulse per second. The pulse ranges usually around 5-20 kV. Animals receive a noticeable but harmless shock when come into contact of the wire, and learn to stay away from it.
An electric fence is a barrier that uses electric shocks to deter people and other animals from crossing a boundary. The voltage of the shock may have effects ranging from discomfort to death.
Different required voltage for different animals:
Beef Cattle : 2,000 – 3,000 V
Dairy Cattle: 2,000 V
Horses : 2,000 – 3,000 V
Llamas : 4,000 – 5,000 V
Deer and Elk -4,000 – 5,000 V
Sheep: 4,000 – 5,000 V
Goats : 4,000 – 5,000 V
Pigs : 2,000 V
Pets: 700 – 1,000 V
Wild Hogs : 5,000 V
Wolves and Coyotes : 4,000 – 5,000 V
Bears : 5,000 V
Deer and Elk : 4,000 – 5,000 V
Small Nuisance Animals : 1,000 – 2,000 V
Electrical Fencing:
Electric fences are designed in a way that it creates an electrical circuit when come in contact with an animal. One component in it, called the power energizer converts the electrical power into a high voltage pulse.
A pulsed electric current is sent along the fence wire, about one pulse per second, from an earthed energizer .When an animal body touches the fence the circuit gets completed and it experiences electrical shock ,which is different for different animals. If the surface is wet it works at its best but if not, then earth return wire system is required.
The intensity of the shock depends upon the imposed voltage, magnitude of the energy of the electrical pulse and the degree of contact between the living entity, the fence, ground and the possible path of the electricity flow in the body.